
Summary of income statements

(SEK thousand) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Net sales 173 010 115 556 111 967 70 552 71 730 69 362 43 012
Other income
Gross profit 70 922 37 459 60 616 38 155 38 581 42 901 27 038
Amortisation, intangible fixed assets -11 492 -84 210 -13 379 -32 490 -11 677 -12 036 -116 951
Depreciation – property, plant and equipment -4 344 -725 -2 565 -2 958 -2 243 -2 199 -1 364
Operating profit/loss -36 578 -132 160 -50 654 -103 431 -57 143 -47 219 -68 326
Other financial items -19 623 13 137 18 081 -24 910 16 637 16 231 -15 668
Profit/loss after financial items -56 201 -119 023 -32 573 -128 342 -40 506 -30 987 -83 995
Tax 3 257 3 174 -34 74 283 84 -244
Profit/loss after tax -52 944 -115 850 -32 608 -128 268 -40 223 -30 903 -84 238

Summary of balance sheets

(SEK thousand) 2017.12.31 2018.12.31 2019.12.31 2020.12.31 2021.12.31 2022.12.31 2023.12.31
Intangible fixed assets 255 282 200 867 219 138 173 188 175 764 179 186 58 188
Tangible fixed assets 3 404 3 233 7 067 9 529 4 408 5 212 2 168
Financial fixed assets 18 317 2 165 1 678 1 475 3 648 1 483 29 673
Total non-current assets 277 003 206 265 227 883 184 192 183 820 185 881 90 029
Inventory 51 766 24 561 22 690 14 703 27 231 40 406 28 407
Accounts receivable 27 747 39 004 20 989 7 146 6 540 1 557 13 505
Other current assets 11 429 9 055 14 546 16 886 17 600 9 166 9 058
Cash and bank assets, including current investments 31 664 5 458 20 375 2 128 3 885 1 721 2 616
Total current assets 122 606 78 078 78 600 40 864 55 255 52 850 53 586
Total assets 399 609 284 343 306 483 225 056 239 074 238 732 143 615

Liabilities and shareholders equity

Shareholders equity 276 284 212 128 234 222 158 858 144 515 110 997 59 330
Minority interests -583 -548 4 010 -3 098 -11 768 -19 346
Long-term liabilities
Non-interest-bearing 3 289 4 072 2 376 21 670 498 15 774
Interest bearing 44 449 2 149 3 480 14 627
Current liabilities
Non-interest-bearing 64 862 60 857 54 213 42 308 64 683 74 418 59 824
Interest-bearing 11 309 5 685 8 182 5 318 41 644 57 538 8 686
Total liabilities 123 908 72 763 68 251 69 296 106 327 147 082 84 284
Total liabilities and shareholders equity 399 609 284 343 306 483 225 056 239 074 238 732 143 614

Summary of cash flow statements

(SEK thousand) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Profit/loss after financial items -56 201 -119 023 -32 608 -128 268 -40 223 -30 903 -84 238
Items that do not affect liquidity 30 030 53 559 666 59 079 -5 916 -20 558 66 407
Change in working capital -19 024 22 327 21 038 7 585 7 117 23 509 -19 892
Cash flow from operating activities -45 194 -43 137 -10 902 -61 604 -39 022 -27 952 -37 723
Cash flow from investing activities -38 427 -5 094 -30 347 -7 271 -7 009 -2 271 13 307
Total cash flow before financing activities -83 621 -48 231 -41 250 -68 875 -46 032 -30 223 -24 416
Cash flow from financing activities 109 732 22 025 56 167 50 628 47 536 27 703 25 150
Cash flow for the year 26 111 -26 206 14 917 -18 247 1 504 -2 520 734