About Anoto Group

Anoto is known globally for innovation in the area of information-rich patterns and the optical recognition of those patterns. It is a leader in digital writing and drawing solutions, having historically used its proprietary technology to develop smartpens and the related software.

Today, Anoto is a cloud based software solution provider based on its patented dot pattern technology which provides a methodology for accumulating digital big data from analog inputs. Anoto Cloud includes Anoto’s four solutions:

KAIT – the world’s first AI solution for offline education;

ACE – Anoto’s new cloud based enterprise forms solutions;

aDNA – Anoto’s secure interactive marketing solution; and

Dr. Watson – Anoto’s biometric authentication and security solution.

Anoto, its strategic licensing partners, and developer community offer a broad portfolio of products, applications and services to business, consumer and education markets, including AI solutions for offline education, interactive marketing solutions, biometric security solutions, best-in-class digital note-taking and document processing & management.

The Anoto Group has over 40 employees and is headquartered in Stockholm (Sweden), with offices in Lisbon (Portugal), London (UK), Seoul (Korea), Singapore and Boston (US).

Anoto’s Livescribe brand is the leading maker of smartpens, which bring notes, words, & ideas to life by connecting pen & paper to the digital world. Anoto is traded on the Small Cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm under ANOT.


It all started in 1996, when the Swede Christer Fåhræus was writing his doctorate and envisioned a high-tech pen that could get the paperwork done more efficiently. During the decade that followed, the concept was transformed into the world’s first digital pen as well as the global de facto standard for digital pen & paper technology.

The growth of the Anoto Group

Anoto Group was founded as C Technologies in 1996 to realize the founder Christer Fåhræus technological idea. Then in 1999, after several key mergers and partnerships had been formed the Anoto Group was established. In 2000, Anoto Group AB was listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange, where it still remains on the Small Cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm under the ticker ANOT.

More background on the early Anoto can be found in this Wired article.